Need a Loan to Start, Expand or Buy a Small Business?

Thurston County Chamber
Thurston County Chamber

Did you know the SBA is the largest source of long-term small business financing in the nation? Private lenders make the loans and the SBA guarantees a percentage of the loan amount up to $3.75 million.


Find out how you can get a piece of this lending pie by attending a free SBA Loan Briefing and Lender Tips Workshop. It takes place on Thursday, November 17, 1-2:30pm, at the Thurston County Chamber Office.


Get answers to questions like….

  • How does the SBA loan program work?
  • What are the eligibility and credit requirements?
  • Can loan proceeds be used to consolidate debt or help with cash flow or buy a building?
  • What are lenders looking for when approving loans?
  • What are the 5 C’s of credit?
  • Who can help with a business plan or a loan proposal?
  • Besides SBA loans, what other financing options are available?

Workshop presenters are Carrie Devlin of Washington Business Bank and Carol Andersen of the Small Business Administration.


Register today! For further information call 360.357.3362.