2024 Point-in-Time Count Homeless Census Final Data Released

Thurston County 2024 PIT final data released


Submitted by Thursotn County

Thurston County Public Health and Social Services has released the finalized data for the 2024 Point-in-Time Count Homeless Census (PIT). This data report shares the number of Thurston County residents experiencing unsheltered homelessness, staying in shelters, or transitional housing programs at a single point in time – January 25, 2024.

This year, 952 people experiencing homelessness were counted in Thurston County on the night of Thursday, January 25, 2024. There were 158 people in transitional housing, 460 people in emergency shelters and 334 people staying in encampments, tents, RVs or other vehicles, small structures, doorways, or in other places not meant for human habitation.

The total count in 2024 has increased by about 212 people experiencing homelessness when compared to the 2023 data. Thurston County strives to lead a compassionate and effective response to homelessness. The County, in partnership with the Regional Housing Council and community service providers, continuously works to make improvements to the Homeless Crisis Response System while following the funding requirements from the state and federal government. Thurston County Office of Housing & Homeless Prevention staff is leading a core team of stakeholders in developing the Local Homeless Housing Plan to guide Thurston County’s homeless response efforts from 2025-2030. The development process will include opportunities for public engagement, including a community survey in February.

Seven events were held to conduct PIT surveys and share resources. The events focused on different sub-populations: seniors, adults, youth, and young adults.

Survival gear was distributed such as blankets, winter gloves, hand warmers, rechargeable headlamps, duffle bags, hygiene kits, socks, and other winter clothing. The events offered attendees connection to services, food, haircuts, foot care, and veterinary care.

Data presented in the report for people living in shelters and transitional housing programs were reported via the County’s Homeless Management Information System. All data gathered from the 2024 PIT count is cross-checked by Department of Commerce staff to account for any duplications or ineligible surveys.

What is the Point-in-Time Count?

Every January, partners of the Thurston County Homeless Crisis Response System and community volunteers conduct a count of unsheltered individuals living in the County. This annual event is called the Point-in-Time Count and it’s required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The Point-in-Time Count (PIT) takes place over one week starting the last Thursday of January. It’s made up of a series of events where unsheltered community members can complete surveys that specifically ask where they stayed on the third Thursday night of January to count the unsheltered population at that specific point in time. In addition to the survey of unsheltered individuals, people staying in shelters and transitional housing are counted. The events include snacks, information about resources, and items like survival gear and winter clothing while surveys are conducted. This year, the Point-in-Time Count is from January 30 – February 6, 2025.

A successful PIT Count is dependent on volunteers and county partners to plan, implement, and gather as many surveys as possible. United Way of Thurston County provides volunteer recruitment efforts to ensure all events and survey efforts were well-staffed.

This year, the PIT volunteer opportunities include:

  • Sorting donations (Fridays in January)
  • Hygiene kit assembly (January 23)
  • Survey assistance (January 30 – February 6)
  • PIT event support (January 30 – February 6)

If you have additional questions about this year’s PIT count, reach out to River Blake, Homeless Program & Data Specialist, at river.blake@co.thurston.wa.us.