Submitted by Olympia Historical Society-Bigelow House Museum
The Olympia Historical Society & Bigelow House Museum will award a $2000 history grant along with a $500 teacher stipend in 2024, provided by funds from long-time Thurston County Teacher Roger Easton. Eligible applicants are K-12 teachers, student teachers, administrators, or classroom professionals in accredited schools in Thurston County.
The successful applicant will use grant funds for securing curriculum/classroom materials, training such as classes or conferences, developing curriculum materials or related purposes, or history programs or events. The projects or training must be related to Washington state history or the Northwest region. Extra consideration will be given to proposals which address the history of Thurston County. Projects should meet Washington State Standards for Social Studies.
Deadlines, application and other information are available at the Olympia Historical Society website. Questions about the grant should be sent to