Starting and managing a small business is no easy feat, especially when economic hardships strike. As many small businesses work to recover from the recent pandemic, owners have realized how important it is to build each other up. Flaming Pig BBQ owner Chad Smith has seen what an impact it can make to partner instead of compete, and strives to find new ways to support local businesses and the community at large. From senior nights at high schools to car shows and catered events, Flaming Pig BBQ is always looking for the next opportunity to give back and strengthen the local community.

Flaming Pig BBQ Sources from Washington Suppliers
Washington state is fortunate to have the abundance and opportunity to build, grow and develop all sorts of essential products. For Chad, it has been important to find suppliers that grow and produce ingredients right here in the Pacific Northwest. “Some of the products we order through big food vendors, but we still opt for ones that are made here in Washington or as close as possible,” explains Chad. “When we can, we buy locally here in Thurston County, like our smoked sausage from Johnson’s Smokehouse in East Olympia.” This type of partnership has proved to be a way to really cross-promote and lift each other up, and gives both businesses ways to creatively and effectively provide quality to each and every customer.
Another primary mode of partnership for Flaming Pig BBQ has been through locally crafted brews. Flaming Pig BBQ locally sources their beer from Matchless Brewing in Tumwater, Top Rung Brewing in Lacey, and Headless Mumby in Olympia. “That is the best part of being in the community,” says Chad. “It’s not about being competitive, but about supporting one another, and we are all connected here. We are always looking to partner with new local companies and are keeping our eyes out for more opportunities to source locally and support locally.” Flaming Pig BBQ is open to developing new partnerships within Thurston County and surrounding areas in Washington state to further promote local businesses. As they continue to grow, Chad is hopeful to see more opportunities open up to support each other and strengthen the local economy as small businesses recover from the pandemic.

Flaming Pig BBQ Promotes Community Across Thurston County
In addition to sourcing from local small businesses, Flaming Pig BBQ is deeply invested in promoting community. They are proud supporters of local nonprofit organizations and look for creative ways to raise money for their efforts. “This year we decided to make our summer car show a fundraiser, so every month we are picking a local nonprofit to support,” Chad shares. “They can still be associated with a national nonprofit, but the goal is to support local organizations run by local people for local people.”
If you are a local nonprofit organization that would like to be considered for support through the car show, contact them directly at They are eager to welcome more nonprofits into their circle to expand community connections and bring more support to organizations working hard to make a difference in our community.

Flaming Pig BBQ is also consistently involved in local school activities, such as sports and school dances. They have a food truck that they use to bring their locally crafted barbecue options to the community, which is a hit everywhere they go. “We are always doing events and out there trying to do something for them,” says Chad. “We have done lots of senior nights, high school sports games, and it is really just a blast.”
Since our schools and nonprofits often rely on community support to make progress and accomplish their goals, these are two areas that are close to heart for Flaming Pig BBQ. Plus, getting to see the impact of these community efforts is rewarding for Chad, and he wants to continue to find more ways to get involved and encourages others to follow suit. “It’s about spreading the dollars,” he says. “Even just simple things like a little donation here or getting coffee at a local spot instead of swinging by a larger chain.”

Giving Back with Flaming Pig BBQ
For Chad and his team, staying involved and doing their part is equally as important as providing a quality experience to their customers. They welcome newcomers to connect with them to see where they can help further promote community, connection, and local support. Our small businesses are working hard to make a difference, and you can too just by enjoying local barbecue at Flaming Pig BBQ and supporting their many local partners. To stay posted on where they are going next and how you can get involved, follow Flaming Pig BBQ on Facebook.
Flaming Pig BBQ
111 Tumwater Boulevard SE #B101, Tumwater