Lacey Law Enforcement Officers & Fire Fighters Disability Board Seeks At-Large Member


Submitted by City of Lacey

The Lacey Law Enforcement Officers & Fire Fighters (LEOFF 1) Disability Board seeks applicants to fill the vacant at-large position on the LEOFF 1 Disability Board. Applicants must reside within the City of Lacey (City) and cannot be current or retired City law enforcement officers.

The LEOFF 1 Disability Board administers LEOFF 1 benefit and entitlements. The five-member Board includes two members of the Lacey City Council, two law enforcement officers employed by or retired from the City who are subject to the jurisdiction of the Board, and one member from the public at-large. The at-large member is appointed by the other four members of the Board.

Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Monday, June 19, 2023. For more information on the LEOFF I Disability Board or to apply, visit the City of Lacey website. Please submit a letter of interest and resume with your application.

If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 360.491.3214 or