Submitted by the City of Lacey

Saturday, January 4, local Boy Scouts Troops 222 and 101 will provide curbside pick-up of holiday trees for Lacey residents who live within the city limits. Residents must remove all decorations and place their tree at the curb by 8:00 a.m. Trees with ornaments, tinsel, or stands will not be accepted as they cannot be recycled. Apartment residents should check with managers for locations to place their trees.

The Boy Scouts accept donations for this great community service. Donations can be made:

  • Online at wwtroop222wa.org
  • By mail to BSA Troop 222, PO Box 5379, Lacey, WA 98509 Please make checks payable to BSA Troop 222.

The Boy Scouts provide this service to Lacey residents only. If you live outside the Lacey city limits, you can take your tree to the Thurston County Waste and Recovery Center (2420 Hogum Bay Road NE, Lacey) through January 12 free of charge. Subscribers to Pacific Disposal’s yard debris pick-up service should cut their tree into 3-foot sections and place it in, or next to, the yard-waste container on their normal collection day.

Boy Scouts, with the support of Lemay/Pacific Disposal, Asphundh Tree Service, and Thurston County Solid Waste, will deliver the trees to the Thurston County Waste and Recovery Center for recycling.

For more information, contact Jenny Bauersfeld, City of Lacey Community Relations Specialist at jbauersf@ci.lacey.wa.us or (360) 438-2621.