Lacey City Council Seeks Youth to Serve on Newly Formed Lacey Youth Council


Submitted by City of Lacey

The Lacey City Council seeks youth representatives (16-18 years old) to serve on the newly formed Lacey Youth Council. The seven-member youth council provides area students the opportunity to participate in the governmental process and receive mentorship from city leadership, while also serving their community.

The City Council’s vision for the Lacey Youth Council is to empower Lacey’s youth to become future leaders by engaging them in community activities and providing leadership opportunities.

Eligible candidates must be:

  • 16-18 years of age (must be 16 by September 1, 2019).
  • Enrolled as a sophomore, junior, or senior in North Thurston Public Schools (NTPS); or enrolled in a private school or home school in Lacey or Lacey’s Urban Growth Area.
  • A resident of Lacey or Lacey’s Urban Growth Area.
  • Willing to attend one evening meeting a month, including preparation time.

All Youth Council appointments will be confirmed by the Lacey City Council to serve a ten-month term beginning September 2019.

Interested students can get a Lacey Youth Council application at the main office of any NTPS high school, Lacey City Hall, or at For more information, contact Jacob Ewing at (360) 486-8711 or