3rd Annual Tumwater Community Summit May 1, 2019

Helping Our Youth Who Are Living Without Homes


Submitted by City of Tumwater

Now in its third year, this annual community-wide event brings together school, community, and business leaders to discuss topics impacting the health and future of youth and families in the greater Tumwater area. Tumwater Community Summit 2019 will focus on youth in our community who are experiencing homelessness.

Tumwater City Administrator John Doan and Tumwater School Superintendent John Bash hope participants gain a better understanding of what youth homelessness looks like, how it impacts youth, and how to be part of the solution.

“The Summit provides a venue for us to collaborate around the challenges young people who are experiencing homelessness face each day,” says Doan. “This is an opportunity to seek ideas and support to build a community network of support for youth and families living in poverty.”

This free event includes dinner, provided by Tumwater School District, and features a panel discussion with community leaders, followed by breakout sessions on a variety of topics related to youth and homelessness.

5:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Tumwater Middle School
6335 Littlerock Rd SW, Tumwater, WA 98512

Panel Discussion:  “What is the Community Doing about Youth Without Homes?”

The panel discussion will take a dynamic look at what our community is doing about youth without homes. Panelists include Tumwater Police Department Commander Jay Mason; City Administrator John Doan; Community Youth Services CEO Derek Harris; and Family Support Center Executive Director Trish Gregory.

Breakout Sessions:

Homeless Youth
Magnitude? What it means? What can be done? Lead by two practioners who have daily experience with homeless youth in the community, this session will review the magnitude of youth homelessness, what drives it, and look at ideas for ways to address it. The session will test support for different options to help youth in Tumwater.

Avoiding Homelessness
How does it happen? Prevalence? What we can do? Lots of preconceived notions apply to homelessness. This session will look at the many causes of homelessness and review ways that it can actually be prevented with community support and engagement.

Hands-On: Building a Community Network
knowing there is need in our community which impacts all aspects of our City, what can we do to build a community safety net to help kids and families?

Educators, students, families and community members are invited to be a part of this special evening.

The event is free, registration is requested. To register, send an email to Hanna Miles, Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk at the City of Tumwater, or call (360) 754-4120.

More information at https://www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/our-community/community-summit

Co-hosted by the City of Tumwater, Together and the Tumwater School District.