Another Ace for Big Brothers Big Sisters: Recapping the 2018 BIG Swing Golf Tournament

BIG Swing Golf Tournament Team Photo
BIG Swing Team of Bob Strimer, Russell Barker, Garrett Barker and Brian Duerr capture the spirit of the day and prove that supporting a great cause is always a good time! Photo courtesy: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington

This July, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington celebrated another successful run of one of their staple fundraising events, the BIG Swing Golf Tournament. For over 20 years, this event has raised vital funding for the organization that works to provide one-on-one mentoring relationships to children in our community facing adversity. Relationships that change their lives for the better, now and forever.

BIG Swing Golf Tournament Chelsea Farms Oysters
Participants enjoyed delicious treats such as oysters on the half shell provided by BIG Swing sponsor, Chelsea Farms Oysters and Clams. Photo courtesy: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington

Vice President of Operations, Leslie Shahan, shares her favorite moments from this year’s tournament. “Our goal with the BIG Swing Golf Tournament is always for everyone to come and have a blast, all in the name of raising funds for a great cause,” Leslie explained. “We definitely hit the mark this year with our Caddyshack theme. We had some serious fun! One of the holes this year had participants teeing off while sitting on a toilet and another had golfers putting blindfolded!”

The BIG Swing Tournament is historically known for its fun-in-the sun, not to be missed antics. This year’s participants were equally impressed with the event’s sponsors who provided treats for golfers,  many of which were locally sourced, such as Sofie’s Scoops gelato and Chelsea Farms Oyster Bar who served fresh oysters on the half shell.

There are few causes as great as supporting an organization that helps our community’s youth realize their potential, teaches them to access their resiliency, and shows them how to tap into their own resourcefulness. This is a big part of what makes the annual BIG Swing Tournament so unforgettable.

“In my nine years here at Big Brothers Big Sisters, it has been fun to see the growth of support from the community for our mission through special events like The BIG Swing Golf Tournament,” shared Leslie. “And, it has been a joy for me personally to be part of that growth! Our BIGGEST thanks goes out to: our Presenting Sponsor of the tournament, The Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation; our Ring of Honor Sponsors: Callisons, The Roof Doctor, Watson & Watson, State Roofing, and Columbia Hills Building Company; and of course, all of our Hole Sponsors and participants!”

BIG Swing Golf Tournament Golfer-'s Tee Off
The BIG Swing Golf Tournament ramped up the fun with their 2018 event theme: Caddyshack. Photo courtesy: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington

Leslie, and the amazing team at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington, are already gearing up for next year and encourage you to mark your calendars now for July 26, 2019.

To learn more about the BIG Swing Golf Tournament, other fundraising events or to learn about Big Brothers Big Sisters mission and how to get involved, visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington website.
