Submitted by Tumwater School District

Black Hills High School iVideo team of students Ally Remy, Kyle Fischer, Gabrielle Mitchell, Michael Lemon and Kelsie Otos received the Alliance for Community Media (ACM) national award for the BEST VIDEO in the “Hometown Media Award” category!

The video “Day in the Life” (see video here) made for Tumwater Middle School was produced with the assistance of Thurston Community Media in the winter of the 2016-17 school year. This was a collaborative effort and the results were spectacular! Seeing the need for Tumwater Middle to produce a video as 6th graders would be joining the middle school level (new middle school structure) in the fall of 2017, Video Productions teacher Susan M. Larson, technology TOSA Justin McKaughan, and TMS Asst. Principal Nick Reykdal got the project started and assisted throughout the process of the video production.

The award will be received by Thurston Community Media and Tumwater School District personnel this summer in Baltimore, MD.