Submitted by United Way of Thurston County
On September 22 and 23, Thurston County residents can expect to see over one thousand volunteers wearing LIVE UNITED t-shirts pulling weeds, painting buildings, and cleaning sidewalks. It is about team building, giving back and helping organizations in need. Day of Caring has become an event that shuts down offices as employees hit the streets to make a difference together.

“Day of Caring is an unforgettable, hands-on experience providing volunteers an opportunity to actively improve our community while enhancing team-building outside the workplace,” said United Way Executive Director, Paul Knox. “When we expanded the event last year from one to two days, more people were able to experience the power of volunteering while making a significant impact on our community.”
Day of Caring was established 25 years ago as the single largest day of volunteerism in Thurston County to increase awareness of human service organizations and demonstrate how people working together for the common good helps accomplish great things.
“United Way is connecting community partners and supporters with non-profits throughout Thurston County to accomplish projects that can’t normally be done in one day,” said Volunteer Program Manager, Stacy Hicks.

Seasoned Day of Caring volunteer teams like Anchor Bank, Olympia Federal Savings and Puget Sound Energy will participate in projects for the Community Youth Services, Kiwanis Club of Olympia, Thurston County Food Bank and more. United Way also welcomes new participation from The Evergreen State College—they are sending more than 200 student volunteers—Labor & Industries—they are sending over 50 volunteers—and the LDS Church—they are sending over 300 volunteers.
Volunteers will participate in over 30 different projects ranging from painting and landscaping low-income, disabled individuals’ homes, harvesting food bank gardens, and invasive plant pulling at locations throughout Thurston County.
Day of Caring Schedule
Friday, September 22, 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Morning Kick Off at First United Methodist Church
Followed by Volunteer Projects throughout Thurston County from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 23, 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Morning Kick Off at First United Methodist Church
Followed by Volunteer Projects throughout Thurston County from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.