Timberland Library Teams up with Tenino School District


Submitted by Timberland Regional Library

Tenino public school students will soon have more learning tools – computers and internet access – to help them with schoolwork and support their academic success. 

Here’s how this came about:

Tenino Timberland Library staff recently met with representatives from the Tenino School District (TSD) to provide information about Timberland Regional Library’s (TRL) wide range of academic resources. Prior to this meeting a Tenino Middle School teacher visited the Tenino Timberland Library and spoke to library staff about TSD Chromebooks (provided to middle and high school students) and the challenge students have in accessing their homework away from school.

Since the Library has access to Wi-Fi, staff brought up to TSD Administrators and Superintendent Joe Belmonte the idea of checking out TSD Chromebooks to students. They loved the idea and by this past January, both organizations signed an agreement authorizing TSD to loan five laptop computers to the Tenino Timberland Library beginning March 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018. Benefits to students will be evaluated to determine how this partnership is serving students. 

Here is how it will work:

TSD students will be able to check out a Chromebook by providing TSD identification and a valid TRL card. Students will be able to connect to the library’s Wi-Fi to work on school assignments. Library staff members will manage checkouts and returns to ensure no TSD laptops leave the building. TSD computer technicians will provide maintenance and technical support.

The Tenino Timberland Library is located at 172 Central Avenue W. For more information, contact the library at (360) 264-2369, or visit www.TRL.org.