Submitted by The Port of Olympia
When you see lights flashing on the Port of Olympia docks on September 11, 7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., please do not be alarmed. It is not an emergency. It is the Port and local “First Responders” joining with the Olympia Yacht Club and Thurston County Chamber in honoring our Armed Forces with the 53rd Annual Foofaraw.
On Friday, September 11, the Thurston County Chamber and the Olympia Yacht Club will host over 225 active duty military men and women at Island Home, a private island owned by the Olympia Yacht Club.
As vessels carrying military members pass the Port, they will see the American flag hanging from the crane and the salute from members of the Association of United States Army, the Port of Olympia staff and Harbor Patrol, the Olympia Fire and Police Departments, Thurston County Sheriff’s Department, and Washington State Patrol. The Port is pleased to have several airmen and airwoman from the United States Air Force 627th Logistics Readiness Squadron present on the docks.