Building a new home or remodeling your old one can be scary. Television is full of shows about worst case buying scenarios and well-meaning DIY projects gone wrong. Hiring skilled, licensed builders and contractors not only saves time and money but guards against common project pitfalls. But choosing a name from a general internet search or surfing images on a screen isn’t the best way to select talented tradespeople. Organizations like the Olympia Master Builders (OMB) can help you find the right people for your job.
For two weekends in August, OMB hosts their annual Tour of Homes, an opportunity to explore the craftsmanship of our region’s finest. Eighteen homes will be open throughout Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Yelm for you to view new construction and completed remodel projects, meet the teams behind the work, and ask questions about your own upcoming plans.
OMB Communications Director Angela White thinks that the “coolest thing about the Tour is that it’s free and you get to see the work first-hand and meet remodelers and contractors in person.” Tour homes are open on August 15, 16, 22 and 23 from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. each day for interested visitors.
White stated that contractors love the show as much as the public because they “get quite a few leads. One year a builder sold five homes from the Tour.” Of the 18 homes this year, 14 are new builds and 4 are completed remodeling projects. Two of the participating businesses are new to the event and 16 are returning favorites.
A map of homes, complete with detailed driving directions, can be found at any Olympia Federal Savings branch, Olympia Overhead Doors, or from the OMB offices at 1211 State Avenue NE downtown. You can also download maps from the Olympia Master Builders website. Two of the properties will only be available for the first weekend of the Tour, so double check dates before venturing out.

With approximately 400 visitors per weekend in each home, the Tour is a popular summertime event. Homeowners are occasionally on site to answer questions, but most prefer to take weekend staycations away from the crowds.
When visiting, make sure to pick up a ballot at your favorite property to vote for this year’s Best of Show. All voters will be automatically entered to win a staycation of their own consisting of a night’s room and dinner at the Little Creek Casino Resort in Shelton. Voting categories include Best Curb Appeal, Best Kitchen, Best Master Bath, Best Overall Floor Plan, Best Remodel, and Best of Show.
Since 1995, U.S. home improvement and repair industry has grown from $149 billion industry to $317 billion. With buyers, sellers, and renovators cautiously optimistic in today’s strengthening market, meeting the craftsmen directly makes all the difference. Once you’ve decided on a team, make sure to visit the OMB’s Consumer Resources page to verify licensure, find tips on hiring a professional, and to report suspected fraud.
Don’t worry if you’re on vacation the weekends of the Tour, the OMB Big Home and Garden Show takes place every spring and offers similar opportunities to meet, greet, and arrange future summer projects.
Event sponsors include Olympia Federal Savings, Pro-Build, The Olympian, Olympia Overhead Doors and Print NW.
Contact the Olympia Master Builders with any questions by emailing info@omb.org or calling 360-754-0912.
Olympia Master Builders
Tour of Homes
August 15, 16, 22 and 23 from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.