Submitted by Thurston County

Thurston County has added a 1900s-era log house to its inventory of 140 historic sites. The cabin-style structure is located near the Nisqually Indian Reservation in North Thurston County. Situated on the edge of spring-fed Lost Lake, it is believed to have been built almost 100 years ago. Its original construction of Saddle Notched interlocking logs, chinking material between the logs used as weatherproofing, and stone chimney and hearth stand testament to the quality of its original hand craftsmanship.
County researchers discovered evidence that the property was settled by pioneers at the time of the McAllister Party in the 1850s. An article on the front page of Tacoma’s The Daily Ledger in August 1896 gives a reference to the settlement’s storied past – a skirmish with Native Americans while trying to build an earlier cabin. The then-owner from 1896 claimed to have found skeletal remains from the fight that he reburied as homage to the life lost.
Thurston County’s Historic Commission manages the county’s historic register. Their goal is to preserve county properties that have archaeological, architectural or historic importance. Learn more about the history of Thurston County at www.co.thurston.wa.us/permitting/historic/historic-home or apply to add a site to the historic register at www.co.thurston.wa.us/permitting/historic/historic-applications.