Find Bigfoot at Quinault’s Sasquatch Summit

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Sasquatch researcher, Dr. Jeff Medlum, returns to Grays Harbor in late November for the Sasquatch Summit.


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Grays Harbor resident Bigfoot expert Johnny Manson is hosting the Sasquatch Summit at Quinault Beach Resort.

West of Thurston County there is a section of wilderness so lush and mysterious that droves of researchers visit it each year, hoping for an encounter with a legendary giant. Lurking in the woods around Grays Harbor, a sizable Sasquatch population is rumored to be not only living, but also thriving

Many know the Pacific Northwest has had numerous Bigfoot stories, but nowhere is as active as Grays Harbor. From the wilds of Wynoochee to the mysterious Quinault Rainforest, hundreds of locals have sworn they have seen, heard or encountered the creature known as Bigfoot. Once kept a secret for just the locals, the mood of Bigfooting has changed, with the public invited to search, learn and share stories about Sasquatch.

On the weekend of November 21-22, 2014, the Quinault Beach Resort, located directly on the Pacific Coast, will host one of the leading Sasquatch events in the world. With more than a dozen guest speakers – each of which has years of experience searching, researching and educating about Sasquatch – the 2nd Annual Sasquatch Summit is already creating quite a buzz, thanks to last year’s strong attendance and solid organization by Johnny Manson.

Aberdeen’s Johnny Manson, the man behind the Sasquatch Summit, kick started the event, working together with the Quinault Tribe who not only hosts but also blesses the Summit. Stories of Sasquatch, or C’iatqo – as numerous local tribes call it – are common in the region, with the Bigfoot Research Organization (BFRO) website listing more than 20 official reports.

Johnny anticipates the event to serve as the “Mecca of Bigfooting” and is passionate about the conference, hoping that it provides a welcoming community for all Sasquatch hunters – something that was lacking in the Bigfoot community until the launch of the event last year.

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Sasquatch researcher, Dr. Jeff Meldrum, returns to Grays Harbor in late November for the Sasquatch Summit.

Last year’s event had nearly 500 people in attendance, with many believers and a handful of skeptics, all of which were more than welcome. In fact, Johnny wants more skeptics to attend, enthusiastically claiming that, “If skeptics go, they won’t be skeptics anymore.”

The Sasquatch Summit starts with a laid back chat with the experts, allowing questions and an opportunity to share your stories and sighting information. Guests are also invited to enjoy the music stylings of Lenny Green, who Johnny explains, “sounds like Johnny Cash, but with songs about Bigfoot.”

More than a dozen special guests headline the event, but many are looking forward to chatting with Bob Gimlin. For those who know their Sasquatch history, this is quite exciting. Bob Gimlin was the other half of the now-famous Patterson-Gimlin video, which shows a Sasquatch walking upright along a riverbank.

Johnny’s message to those who attend the Sasquatch Summit in Quinault, “Expect to have your mind blown!”

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Screenshot of the famous Patterson-Gimlin video. Image from Sasquatch Summit.

Like last year’s Sasquatch Summit, attendees have direct access to the world’s foremost Sasquatch experts, including Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Thom Powell, Ron Morehead of Sierra Sounds, Thom Cantrall, Derek Randles of the Olympic Project, Toby Johnson of the London Trackway, Phil Poling of ParaBreakdown, Barb Shupe of YouTube’s Barb & Gabby, and special appearances by Igor Burtsev and Peter Bryne.

Attendees will also be able to talk directly with the leading researchers and participate with them in seminars of various topics. From education classes to learning how to live and communicate with a Sasquatch, and even be shown new evidence on Bigfoot’s existence, this event is perfect for Sasquatch searchers of all levels.

One unique aspect of this event will be a guided Sasquatch hike led by Randles of the Olympic Project, an association of dedicated researchers, investigators, biologists and trackers committed to documenting the existence of Sasquatch through science and education. The walk serves as a great educational tool on how to find the always-hidden forest legend and is for all ages and abilities of Sasquatch searchers. Last year, Cliff Barackman of Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot helped show those who took the hike how to pour plaster casts for footprints. This year, the event promises to hold even better surprises.

sasquatch bigfootTake a trip over to Grays Harbor County and participate in this year’s Sasquatch Summit for a perfect weekend adventure. Discovering Sasquatch along the beautiful Washington Coast will inspire you to experience the history and natural beauty of the region. With numerous trails to hike, hundreds of unique restaurants and stores to frequent, beaches to comb and lighthouses to climb, heading out west to the Harbor is the perfect weekend destination year round. Come out to the Sasquatch Summit at the Quinault Beach Resort, and fall in love with the activities in Grays Harbor.

For more information, or to register for the event, follow the link here:

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