Dancer’s Communication Company Celebrates 20 Years in Business


Submitted by Puget Sound Women’s Business Center

Dancers communication company
Pat Kennedy, president of Dancer’s Communication Company

“Communication is a dance: sometimes we lead; sometimes we follow. Sometimes we glide gracefully through our verbal and written interactions with others; sometimes we step on toes,” says Pat Kennedy, President of Dancer’s Communications Company.

She explains, “This realization was the impetus for starting my own company, and I began helping people navigate the dance floor of professional communication in the workplace.”

As Communication Director for the Olympia School District for 10 years, Kennedy wrote the policy and provided training in sexual harassment prevention for students and employees throughout the district. “I observed that other school districts and organizations in Thurston County and elsewhere could benefit from my style of training and, in 1993, left to start my own business. Since then, I have worked with more than 85 educational organizations across the state,” she said.

“Being a woman business owner in Olympia for the past 20 years has had its challenges and rewards. I have had a chance to work with and serve a diverse population that includes not only educators, but also local police officers, fire fighters, corrections officers, librarians, state employees, trucking and beverage company employees, financial and medical professionals,” she added.

Kennedy’s business has evolved and expanded with the changing needs of her clients and the marketplace over the past two decades. She now provides training, coaching and consulting in team building, conflict resolution, customer service, and writing and presentation skills.  Her presentation skills clients include state, national and international presenters. Her team-building clients are managers and employers who want to foster teams that solve problems quickly and effectively, focus on customer service, increase productivity and profitability, and generate repeat business and referrals.

Kennedy has communication degrees from the University of Montana and the University of Oregon.  She is an avid country and ballroom dancer.


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