Olympia Weavers Guild: Randi Parkhurst

October 21, 2016 @ 12:30 pm
Boston Harbor Fire 8 Station 83
5046 Boston Harbor Rd NE
Olympia, WA 98506

October brings to mind watching falling leaves and leafing through books as the cooler weather comes and I am inside more. For our program speaker Randi Pankhurst, a fiber artist who works in paper, she might be designing the leaves of her next art book. I hope you will find inspiration to apply to your own art form in the OWG October 21st program.

Randi Parkhurst is a book artist and arts instructor, living and working from her home/studio in Olympia, Washington.
She creates interactive book art that flips, swings, rolls and snaps together, providing a unique view of this versatile medium. All of Randi’s pieces are made with her hand painted papers. Natural elements, such as leaves and flowers, stones and sticks, and rich, deep colors permeate her work, reflecting the beauty of her Pacific Northwest home. (from Randi’s website http://www.parkhurstpaperarts.com)

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