Welcome Home to Property Management Made Simple


Life is complex. Whether the latest technology or a favorite recipe, the daily work grind or your half-caff, low-fat, no-foam, extra shot coffee order, nothing is simple anymore.

If—on top of everything else—you’re a homeowner, take the previous chaos factor and double it. Homes, especially those in neighborhoods managed by Home Owners Associations (HOAs), require maintenance, repair, paperwork and seemingly endless management.

Tiana Kleinhoff
Tiana Kleinhoff, owner of Welcome Home Rentals and Welcome Home Property Management, is a dedicated advocate for homeowners and renters alike. Photo courtesy: Welcome Home Property Management

But thanks to Lacey’s Welcome Home Property Management, you can rest assured knowing their skilled, knowledgeable team are safely in charge. Owner Tiana Kleinhoff built her company from the ground up and has worked hard since they opened their doors in 2014. She says that, quite simply, “Our vision is to treat every customer with the utmost respect and caring, with complete honesty, integrity and transparency. Peace of mind is what we sell; we will always put in our best effort, every time, without fail.”

A long-time licensed real estate agent and certified property manager, Tiana runs both a property management and rental management business county-wide. While rentals require more in the way of day-to-day oversight, repairs, and tenant relations, the Property Management division works with HOAs to prepare budgets, tax documents facilitate member meetings and much more.

“There’s a lot of things people don’t understand,” says Tiana. “Like that HOAs are considered a corporation.” With this in mind, keeping track of laws, annual tax returns, business licenses and more come into play.

The Community Associations Institute estimates that in 2017 there are nearly 350,000 HOAs and residential associations nationwide housing “an estimated 69 million Americans—21.3 percent of the U.S. population.”

HOA management
Because many HOA board members are simply dedicated volunteers, Welcome Home can assist in training, home sale escrow details and bylaws. Photo credit: Sabra Bryant

Even though these HOAs are staffed by dedicated board members, these “are volunteers. They come from many different backgrounds, educations and experiences that can be invaluable to a community. It is noble for them to stand up and speak for their community, but that doesn’t give them magical powers that suddenly they have the education required to run an association,” explains Tiana.

To help HOA boards, Welcome Home works tirelessly to collect association dues, maintain an owner database, oversee the HOAs finances and accounting statements, recruit and train new board members, enforce covenants and bylaws, and assist with home sale escrow details, to name a few. “Each community is different from all others, and needs different things, so we cater to its needs in our tasks,” Tiana adds.

Sometimes though, it’s as simple as starting with a cleanup. Early in her career, Tiana helped a neighborhood rife with crime and neglect. After making clear, visible progress within the housing development, “bars started coming off windows and they finally started delivering pizza to our property again. Really, they were the beginning; we see how we can make an impact on neighboring businesses and the community.”

Welcome Home Property Management
Welcome Home Property Management works with and for many local home owners associations (HOAs) throughout Thurston County.
Photo courtesy: Welcome Home Property Management

This spirit of caring is pervasive in Tiana’s life. She is active with the Chinqually Booters Soccer Club with her children and professionally with the United Way’s Women United program. Women United helps local business owners and community leaders raise money for other women-owned or women-run opportunities throughout Thurston County. “Women who are now members once received money from us and that’s how you make a difference! Funding programs is taking action and making a difference; it’s about compassion.”

If your HOA or housing board needs help simplifying and streamlining their operation, call Welcome Home Property Management. Tiana and her team can tackle everything from paperwork to legalese…all with ease.

Not sure? One client’s testimonial sums it up: “Welcome Home is responsive to our homeowners and board of directors and always responds in a very timely manner, and from their owner I have never had an issue that was not addressed promptly. The company has a deep knowledge base from which to draw upon expertise in the property management field. An active member of the local South Sound Chamber of Commerce, they take an active role in our community. Tiana possesses a professionalism in association management that is second to none…our homeowner association has never been as well managed as it is today.”

Because no two homes or neighborhoods are the same, Property Management details vary. Reach out online, by calling 360-519-7653 or emailing Tiana@WelcomeHome.Rentals with questions or to schedule a consultation.


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