YWCA Olympia Tweets on Equal Pay Day



Submitted by the YWCA Olympiaequal pay day 1

Tuesday April 14 is Equal Pay Day and we invite you to join us by sharing your ‪#‎EqualPay and ‪#‎YWCAOly selfies on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts using the hashtags #EqualPay, #YWCAOly, #EqualPayDay or any other that you see trending or want to add (#equalpaynow, #78Cents, #zonta, #wagegap, #aauw).

A sample of the signage we are using is shown here, but feel free to make it your own. Highlighters, markers, dry erase boards and more can work and we encourage you to be creative! You can also send your photos to the YWCA Olympia to upload instead of posting to our social media accounts. Simply email to crsperr@ywcaofolympia.org.

​We’d like a range of photos, so please ask friends, colleagues, family, kids, dads, teachers, grandparents, brothers, pastors, sisters, etc. to join in.

Also, be sure to catch our 100-minute TweetFest/TwitterStorm starting on Tuesday at 10am PST on our Twitter Feed.

We will be busy posting some great local and national data during 100 minutes…..or will we go the full 100 minutes?

Finally, tune in to www.dol.gov/Live/ at 11am EST on Tuesday to hear more about how you can address this challenge and ensure ‪#‎EqualPayNow from the Department of Labor.



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