Thurston Health Tip: Nitric Oxide- An Important Biological Regulator


By David Overton

Nitric oxide (N0) is a gas we make (like carbon dioxide) that regulates many body functions. Most people have never heard of it and most clinicians do not test NO levels for optimal health. You continuously make NO in various cells and any condition that damages these cells can deplete NO:

  • The blood vessels (endothelium)
  • white blood cells (monocytes, neutrophils, macrophages)
  • heart valve lymphatic cells
  • the red blood cells

olympia sports physicalThe NO you make is very fleeting and lasts only a few seconds. You have to continuously make NO from specific amino acids, oxygen, vitamins, various enzymes and certain foods. NO dilates blood vessels, supports and regulates circulation and heart functions, regulates immune functions, regulates lymphatic fluids, regulates neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, GABA, adrenaline) and modulates hair growth.

Diminished NO production leads to many problems and/or many health conditions cause low NO. People with obesity, immune problems, high cholesterol, glucose problems, high or low blood pressure, heart attacks, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and other health conditions often have low NO levels.

For example, low NO causes erection problems. Erection drugs temporarily boosts NO, allowing a man to have an erection. Blood vessels narrow (constrict) when NO is low. Nitroglycerine tablets temporarily boost NO, relieving chest pain, heart strain or heart failure symptoms. Other treatable problems associated with low NO include:

  • Hair loss
  • Anxiety, depression, attention deficit, memory and other neurological problems
  • Circulation problems, heart valve problems & heart disease
  • Blood sludginess (commonly seen with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia), platelet problems or blood clots
  • Asthma, bronchitis and lung disease
  • Kidney problems
  • Edema or fluid retention
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Immune problems, such as inflammation, abnormal CRP, abnormal white blood cells or autoimmune disorders
  • Infections, especially viral, fungal and bacterial infections
  • Blood glucose problems: hypoglycemia, pre-diabetes, diabetes
  • Neuropathy and nervous system problems

When NO gets too high (from various health conditions or taking too many nitroglycerine tablets or erection drugs), it converts into free radical peroxynitrate which cause circulation and other systemic damage. This is why erection drugs cause angina, vision and hearing side effects. Anti-oxidant supplements can prevent this and tend to treat or prevent the conditions listed above.

Until recently, there was no easy way to measure NO. Now we have inexpensive $2.00 saliva tests to measure NO levels and guide supplements to boost and maintain NO to manage and prevent health problems. If this sounds farfetched, consider the following.

A 47 year old male came in with a history of erection problems, attention deficits  and cardiac palpitations. Past records showed abnormal white cells suggesting a chronic infection and immune problems. We started specific amino acids to boost NO levels and symptoms improved. We ordered tests that revealed pre-diabetes (hypoglycemia), early kidney damage, arteriosclerosis and viral infections. His saliva nitric oxide levels were low (due to these conditions) so we increased supplements to manage symptoms and prevent heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes and further immune/infection problems. We are now treating these conditions to improve NO production and promote longevity.


David Overton, PA-C works at Natural Medicines & Family Practice combining conventional and alternative approaches under the supervision of Dr. Richard Faiola, MD, ABFM.

Natural Medicines & Family Practice

David Overton, PA-C

1315 Ruddell Rd SE

Lacey, WA 98503



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